Sunday, July 21, 2024

Praise the Lord!


Kathy and I leave the house for dialysis about 5:07 am … if we are on time.  Oops.  My children say that I’m not supposed to say things on facebook that would give specific times for thieves to break into our house.  But if a thief would come into our house at 5:10 am, they would look around and say, “Oh, someone’s already hit this house.”  But … back to my story.  In the winter and on into the spring, when we leave the house at 5 am, everything is dark and quiet (except for an occasional dog barking).  But on towards summer, as the days became longer and the nights became shorter, there is a faint glow of sunrise in the east at 5 am.  And there is one sparrow that likes to get up early.  I suppose you would call it “the early bird”.  All birds like to get up early, but this particular one likes to be the first one up.  I’m pretty sure that this is the same bird each morning because there is only one bird chirping each morning.  And it is excited to be the first one up!  It is loud and bold with its singing!  I like to think that this little bird is singing to its Maker!  Hey, the Pharisees in Jesus’ day told Jesus to throttle His disciples.  But in Luke 19:40, “… he answered and said unto them, I tell you that, if these should hold their peace, the stones would immediately cry out.”  The Creator of the universe will be praised!  Either we will praise Him, or the sparrows will praise Him, or even the rocks will praise Him!  Psalms 150:6, “Let every thing that hath breath praise the LORD. Praise ye the LORD.”  And I say, “Amen!” to that!  Hey, today, “Praise ye the Lord”!

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