Friday, August 23, 2024



I have used a little Gospel tract for years that has gone out of print.  It was not copyrighted, so I formatted it and print it on my inkjet printer in my bedroom.  Thousands of those little tracts have been handed out to folk over the years.  So, last Saturday, I was printing out some tracts for church on Sunday.  When I hit “print”, I left the room to start a load of laundry.  But when I came back, I found my tracts scattered all over the floor!  I had forgotten to pull out the printer tray extension that catches the printed sheets.  Small detail, but frustrating results.  I had to gather, straighten out, and organize the tracts.  Hey, as they say, “the devil is in the details.”  Maybe the devil didn’t want those tracts to look nice when they were distributed, but more likely, it was my carelessness.  Hey, the Lord is interested in the details too.  Jesus said in Matthew 10:30, “But the very hairs of your head are all numbered.”  An extreme detail, because even I don’t know how many hairs that I have on my head ( but there are fewer each day).  But the dear Lord cares so much about me that he has the hairs of my head numbered!  What a loving heavenly Father!

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