Friday, September 27, 2024

Three Boxes


My wife likes to rearrange furniture and reorganize shelves.  I think it’s a creative thing for her.  And occasionally, she really does a deep clean.  And when does, she gets boxes and trash bags to fill for our school yard sale.  She has one box for the yard sale, one box for the attic, and one box for the trash.  A radio sermon by David Jeremiah reminded me of three boxes that Paul used in Philippians 4:6, “Be careful for nothing (the first box) but in every thing by prayer and supplication with thanksgiving (the second box) let your requests be made known unto God (the third box).”  The second box is the biggest box.  Paul says to put everything into the prayer box.  Just pray about everything.  And if you want to, put your requests into the third box.  Anything that you want to ask the Lord to do.  But the worry box, the first box, don’t put anything in it.  That’s because God tells us not to worry about anything.  Hey, when you’re tempted to worry (and I know you are) just don’t do it.  When you start to put something into the worry box, just pause and put it into the prayer box.  Life will be so much better!  Hey, give your cares to the dear Lord.  Fill up the prayer box and put a few things in the request box, and give them to the Lord.  After all, He can do something about them!

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