Monday, October 29, 2012

Read Proverbs 18: 22  Well I am pretty sure you don't like our verse for today.  Are you thinking about getting married?  Probably not.  But, remember this verse.  Put this verse in your memory bank and save it and remember to think about it some day.  The person whom you marry is so very important.  I am glad that I married Kathy Papastavro.  I remember years ago I was thinking of moving to Maryland to take a job as a maintenance man at a church.  My dear wife asked me. "Is this what you want to do with the rest of your life?"  I thought about it, and said to myself, "no".  I returned to college and finished and became a teacher.  That is what I thought  God had for me.  Twenty years later I told my wife that I felt God was directing me to go into mission work.  She said, "Whatever you think you want to do, I am behind your decision."  And so I did.  I am so glad that I have the dear wife that I do!  She has been faithful and helpful to me for 42 years now!  If God allows you to marry some day, remember our verse for today.  Look for a good wife - or husband - and make sure that they are obedient to God.  If you do, you will be blessed.  I am!

1 comment:

  1. I said I need to look up 18:22, Rebekah goes, that picture isn't from 1822. :)
