Wednesday, January 30, 2013

Read Proverbs 22:13  Do you remember what a slothful man is?  What is another word for slothful?  Another good word for slothful is lazy.  A lazy person comes up with an excuse why they can't do their work.  The reason that the slothful man in our verse is afraid to go out and work is - he says - that there is a lion out in the streets.  If he goes outside, the lion will eat him.  That is a pretty big story, isn't it?  Do you think that there was really a lion in the streets walking around?  Or was this lazy man just saying that there was a lion walking around in the streets just so that they wouldn't have to go out and do their work.  Lazy people can come up with some pretty crazy excuses - but a lion in the streets?!  That is a real story!  May be tomorrow the slothful man will say that there is a tyrannosaurus Rex in the streets!  Or may be he will say that there is a ninja warrior in the streets!  What do you think that the slothful man will say is in the streets?  Pretty crazy, don't you think!  Lazy people will say almost anything to get out of work.  Have you ever been so lazy that you used a stretcher of an excuse?  Wasn't that crazy?  Don't be like the slothful man in our verse.  Don't use exaggerated excuses.  Just do your work and don't be lazy.

1 comment:

  1. Thank you, Grandaddy! We're excited that you have written new devotions. We love you! MK, Will & Soph
