Sunday, December 20, 2020

Moldova Noua

We were in the southwest corner of Romania near the Serbian border just across the Danube river in 1992. The little town was Moldova Noua and I had brought 20 Americans with me to distribute several thousand New Testaments that had been shipped in as few weeks before. We were staying in the only hotel in the little town. There weren’t any other guests, so we were all of the business that they had. We ate breakfast in the hotel restaurant each morning, and each morning the drill was the same: the waitress brought out menus and we selected something from the menu. Then she went into the kitchen and then came back to inform us that they didn’t have the item that we had selected. So we picked something else. She went back into the kitchen and returned to say that that item wasn’t available either. Then I would say, “So, what do you have today?” And she would tell us. It could have saved us both a lot of time if she would have told us what she had available each morning when we came in. But that wasn’t the way they did things. She had to pretend that the hotel had a full menu. And we had to pretend to order off of the pretend menu. In the end, she was not embarrassed by their lack of food and we got our breakfast. A breakfast of whatever they had … that day. Hey, we all pretend too. We put on a brave face and make people think that we are a good person. But we aren’t. We know the evil thoughts that lurk in the dark corners of our hearts. But God knows us better that we know ourselves, and He has provided freedom from our sin. Jesus Christ is the way … the ONLY way. Jesus said in John 14:6, “… I am the way, the truth, and the life: no man cometh unto the Father, but by me.” Hey, trust in Jesus and he will change your soul from the inside out. He is your only hope. Don’t play games, like that waitress. Come clean with Jesus and He will save your soul.

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