Thursday, September 21, 2023



I have to get up two or three times in the night to go to the bathroom.  It’s just part of being an old man.  I could turn on the light to be able to see my way to the bathroom, but I have a hard time getting back to sleep after my trip to the bathroom.  Again, a part of being an old man.  And I would wake up my sleeping wife.  So, I leave the light off.  I know my way around the bedroom, and I can find my way to the bathroom and back in the dark.  But the only variable is my rolling desk chair.  If I remember to slide it under the desk before I go to sleep, all is well.  But If I forgot to slide it under the desk, I stumble over it, wake up my wife, and fully wake up myself.  A big mistake!  Then I am wide awake and my wife is wide awake too.  Both people in the house are not happy because I forgot to secure my desk chair.  Hey, do you have any stumbling blocks in your life?  They could be physical, or they could be hidden sins.  A stumbling block could be a bad habit or a short temper.  Whatever your problem is, Jesus Christ is the answer.  Psalm 55:22, “Cast thy burden upon the LORD, and he shall sustain thee: He shall never suffer the righteous to be moved.”  The dear Lord will uphold you. Yes He will!

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