Tuesday, July 2, 2024

Don't Be Afraid


I heard a good quote today.  Alistair Begg was preaching about Naomi and Ruth.  When Naomi saw the kindness of Boaz to her daughter-in-law, Naomi told Ruth to go back to the threshing floor that night and tell Boaz how she felt.  After Ruth spent the night with Boaz at the threshing floor, she came home to Naomi with an apron full of grain.  Naomi asked her what had happened, and Ruth “told her all that the man had done to her” Ruth 3:16.  Nothing wrong had happened that night, so Ruth wasn’t afraid to tell Naomi everything.  Here is the quote, “When you go out on a date, don’t do anything that you would be afraid to tell your mother about.”  Alistair went on, “You may be thought of as a prude or as old-fashioned, but you can be truthful.”  Hey, keep no secrets from those whom you love.  Live your life so that you are never afraid of telling the truth to your parents or to your spouse.  Live your life like an open book.  Live your life with honesty and respect.

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