Monday, July 1, 2024

Leave the Light On


I remember years ago when our grandson would spend the night at our house.  Greyson had great fun at Marmie’s and Granddaddy’s house.  He didn’t have to eat what he didn’t want to eat, and he didn’t have to do what he didn’t want to do … within reason.  He did have to pick up the Legos that he had spilled all over the basement floor … but Granddaddy helped.  We raced to see who could pick up the Legos first.  He won!  Poor little sucker.  After a bath and prayers, Greyson went to bed.  But he wanted me to leave the lamp on.  He said that he would feel better if I left it on.  Hmm.  When you’re seven years old, isn’t it a comfort to have a lamp on at bedtime?  Oh, I remember those days well, don’t you?  Do you still sleep with a light on?  Not judging, just asking.  So why is it that we feel comforted when we leave a lamp on?  We know that all the doors are locked.  We know that we are safe.  But, of course, there are many scary things in the dark.  Things that we cannot see.  We don’t know what they are, because we can’t see them, but we just know that they’re there.  But a lamp left on reveals that there isn’t anything there.  A lamp dispels darkness and reveals only peace, comfort, and security.  King David nailed it when he said in Psalm 119:105, “Thy word is a lamp unto my feet, and a light unto my path.”  God’s Word is a comfort to us and gives us peace, comfort, and security.  God’s Word dispels the darkness in our lives ... that is if we read it.  Hey, why not read it right now?  It’s much better than reading Facebook.  Really.

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