Sunday, September 29, 2024

Sign-Up Sheet


We have a small church, but a great church.  Everyone is involved in doing something for the Lord.  Our pastor is bi-vocational: he works a full-time job and pastors our church for free.  Wow!  Thank you, Brother Jamie!  We take up a love offering for him the first Sunday night of each month.  And we can’t pay a janitor, so we have a sign-up sheet for cleaning the church every Saturday.  I was reminded of the “sign-up sheet” that Nehemiah used in Nehemiah 10:34, “And we cast the lots among the priests, the Levites, and the people, for the wood offering, to bring it into the house of our God, after the houses of our fathers, at times appointed year by year …”  Wood for the burnt sacrifices had to be brought in regularly.  So the priests, Levites, and people took turns bringing it in.  They had their own “sign-up sheet” year by year.  Hey, are you involved in your church?  Do you teach a Sunday school class?  Do you host a small group?  Do you teach a Bible study at your house?  You may say, “I can’t teach anyone.  I’m not gifted to speak in front of people.”  Well, at least you can clean the church house.  You can keep the nursery.  And you can hand out tracts.  Hey, be involved at church on a regular basis.  Like Nehemiah’s wood sigh-up sheet, be busy serving the Lord!  You’ll be glad that you did!

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