Monday, September 30, 2024

The Next Season


My daughter stopped by last week with several baskets of mums from the greenhouse.  And it was perfect timing because our summer flowers were past their prime.  You see, everything has its season.  The geraniums like the cool nights of spring while the vincas, marigolds, and impatiens like the long days of summer.  But when the days begin to grow shorter and the nights grow longer, the summer flowers begin to fade.  Fall is in the air, and it’s time for the mums to begin to blossom.  Each flower has its season: they grow, they flourish, but they soon decline.  Solomon said in Ecclesiastes 3:1, “To every thing there is a season, and a time to every purpose under the heaven.”  There is a time to flourish, and a time to prosper, but soon there is a time to decline.  It happens to flowers, and it happens to people.  But in every season of life, there is time to serve the dear Lord.  There are things that I cannot do anymore as I approach my 75th birthday, but there are many things that I still can do.  And each of us should do what the dear Lord has for us to do in our season of life.  I can write and inspire others to serve the Lord.  Hey, that’s what I am doing right now with you!  Say, what are you going to do for the dear Lord today?  God has been so good to you.  How are you going to repay God’s love for you today?  Think about it, and then do it.

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