Monday, June 1, 2020

Rabbit or Squrril?

I have a great back yard.  There is a sand box for the grandchildren along with a merry-go-round, a teeter-totter, and a 40-foot high swing.  I have two bird feeders, a birdbath, and a fountain that looks like an old millstone.  Two weeks ago I was washing dishes at the sink looking out at the wildlife.  Don’t say anything about the phrase “washing dishes”.  That’s for another day.  Underneath one of the bird feeders I saw a little bunny picking through the fallen sunflower seeds.  I thought it a little unusual.  Bunnies like clover.  A sudden movement sent the birds and squirrels running for cover.  The bunny also ran for a big pine tree and then climbed five feet up and froze in place looking for the danger.  I gasped!  I had never seen a rabbit climb a tree!  Then it ran up another ten feet!  I was chagrinned!  What I had mistaken as a bunny was actually a squirrel … without a tail!  Now, I have seen squirrels with scraggly tails and squirrels with bent tails, but never a squirrel without any tail.  But there it was.  My wife and granddaughter have verified my identification.  I’m not sure which is the better novelty:  a squirrel without a tail or a bunny that climbs trees.  Hey, have you ever been mistaken?  I mean really, really mistaken?  Perhaps you misjudged a person.  Or you may have accused someone falsely.  What you thought was true was later found out not to be the case.  If someone intentionally tries to deceive another they are called a ______ .  That’s right: a hypocrite.  Jesus condemned the Pharisees in Matthew 23:28, “Even so ye also outwardly appear righteous unto men, but within ye are full of hypocrisy and iniquity.”  A tomb looks pretty on the outside, but it is full of rotting flesh.  Hey, don’t be a hypocrite.  Live honestly.  Don’t be mistaken as a rabbit that climbs trees!

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