Tuesday, April 13, 2021

Extreme Power


I remember watching cartoons on our black-and-white TV set when I was a kido.  Elmer Fudd, Buggs Bunny, Daffy Duck, Wylee E. Coyote, the Roadrunner were great fun.  But my favorite was Popeye.  Wimpy would “gladly pay you Tuesday for a hamburger today”.  Bluto would use his moves on Olive Oyl but soon take advantage of her.  Bluto would drag her off kicking and screaming for help from Popeye.  Popeye would try to rescue her, but Bluto would run over him with a steam roller and turn Popeye into a two-dimensional flat figure.  But as Bluto would run over Popeye again and again, the can of spinach would pop out of Popeye’s shirt and roll around on the pavement.  Popeye would corral the can of spinach with his pipe, pop open the can, and suck down the spinach with his pipe.  Suddenly, Popeye would inflate, the muscles would bulge, Popeye would sock the steam roller into the air and smash Bluto with a haymaker.  The steam roller would fall down in pieces forming a jail around the dazed Bluto.  As the cartoon ended, Popeye would swagger off with Olive on his arm.  Hey, did you know that we have super-powers too?  God has promised us powers beyond ourselves if we but trust in Him.  Paul said in Philippians 4:13, “I can do all things through Christ which strengtheneth me.”  Now that’s extreme power!  That is power, not to smash an enemy, but the power to live a victorious Christian life.  Hey, that’s real power!

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