Friday, September 16, 2022

Yellow Jacket Infestation

Our neighbor lady knocked on our back door last week.  I thought it a little unusual because she had a hard time negotiating the steep driveway to the back door.  But there was a reason that Miss Sarah used the back door: I had a yellow jacket infestation near the front door!  Miss Sarah and I walked around to the front and saw bees coming and going at a hole in the siding right beside the front doorknob.  Where the stone ended and the siding began, a hive of yellow jackets had found a crack big enough for them to get in and to make a home.  Except they had made a home in MY home.  Now, I don’t mind a swarm of bees discouraging bill collectors from ringing my doorbell, and I don’t mind a swarm of bees keeping Jehovah’s Witnesses and LDS elders away, but when a swarm of bees interferes with my Amazon deliveries … well, the bees have just gone too far.  So, I got a can of wasp and hornet spray and sprayed them.  I killed several, but the rest were back in five minutes.  After eight doses, the spray was gone, but the bees were not.  So, I set up my shop vac and strategically placed the nozzle beside the hive entrance.  After an hour of sucking bees-in-flight, the bee activity had quieted, and I shut off the vacuum.  But in five minutes, bees continued to arrive going in and out of the hole once again.  They were persistent!  I turned on the shop vac and let it run all day.  I turned it off that evening, but bees were back the next day.  I ran the vacuum all day, bought moth balls at Walmart, and that evening, I turned off the vacuum and plugged up the bee hole with three moth balls.  Hey, those bees were hard to get rid of!  Sort of like a pet sin that developed in my life a few years back.  It started little but grew into a monster!  James said it well in James 1:14&15, “But every man is tempted, when he is drawn away of his own lust, and enticed. Then when lust hath conceived, it bringeth forth sin: and sin, when it is finished, bringeth forth death.”  Hey, don’t let a little sin grow into a big sin.  Nip it while you can!  Bad habits grow into formidable sins that strangle your spiritual life.  Like my bee infestation, sin is difficult to deal with.  Only God can make the difference.

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