Friday, November 17, 2023



My wife had a dentist appointment Thursday at nine thirty, so she told me the night before to wake her up about seven in the morning.  I woke up early (5:45) but was able to get back to sleep and had some very vivid dreams. I dreamed that my family was in this huge mansion in a very old area of town with old-growth forest behind the house.  We were strolling the grounds and discovered several huge oak trees.  I began to climb the largest.  It was easy to climb because it had gnarly bark sticking out with ample dead limbs for handholds.  As I got higher, I climbed out onto a huge limb the size of a full-sized tree itself.  Looking down, I realized that the limb extended over a cliff, and I could see a well-manicured field hundreds of feet below.  There was another house with trees and shrubbery below, but they were so far below that they looked miniature.  But then I slipped off the limb and began to fall.  But it was so far to the field below that I had plenty of time to think.  And I remember clearly and calmly thinking, “So this is how it is at the moment of death.”  And I extended my arms and legs to slow my fall to give me a few more seconds to think.  Hey, when your moment of death comes, will you be prepared?  The writer of the book of Hebrews said in Hebrews 9:27, “And as it is appointed unto men once to die, but after this the judgment.”  And when your moment of death comes, you must be ready, because it will be too late for any preparations.  Those preparations must be made before that moment.  Hey, can I encourage you to get ready for that moment because it is coming to all of us!

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