Tuesday, September 17, 2024

Mentos Gum Container


I try to keep gum in my car in case my breath needs a little freshening up.  But really, I keep gum in my car for when I forget to brush my teeth.  I like the Mentos Pure White, which comes in a handy plastic container of 50 with a pop-top lid.  They also come in a recyclable paper box of 90 that’s cheaper, but it isn’t as easy to open and close with one hand (while I’m driving).  So, I had this bright idea to reuse the plastic container and refill it from the larger, cardboard container … the best of both worlds.  Except the little plastic tab on the lid broke after the extra uses.  Bummer.  It seems that the little tab is designed to open and close for just a few more than 50 cycles.  It’s just a throw-away container, not a reusable container.  Hey, many things in life are just that way.  Even us!  The genetics in our DNA degrade revealing inherited diseases like cystic fibrosis, muscular dystrophy, hemophilia, and the list goes on.  Evolution says that we are getting better with each generation.  But the truth is, we are not.  Our bodies are like Styrofoam cups.  We are throw-away and don’t last forever.  And like my little gum container tab, we wear out and die.  So, when you wear out and die, are you ready to meet God?  Are you ready to meet your Maker?  The writer of the book of Hebrews wisely said in Hebrews 9:27, “And as it is appointed unto men once to die, but after this the judgment.”  After you die (and you will), are you ready for God’s judgment?  Think about it, and make preparations.

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