Monday, September 9, 2024

The Way


About 25 years ago, we took a group of Americans to Romania to distribute Bibles.  We flew into Munich, Germany, and rented vans.  After driving two hours, we spent the first night in Salzburg, Austria.  The next morning, we shopped and sightsaw (I just made up that word.  Would sightseed be better?)  My wife went to pay for an item and noticed that her passport was missing.  A pickpocket had stolen it!  We found the American consulate in Salzburg and were told to go to Vienna (five hours away) where she could get another passport at the American Embassy.  The embassy closed at 4:30 pm, so we hurried off on the autobahn.  I had the address but was frustrated with the tiny one-way streets with German names.  At 4 pm I gave up, hailed a taxi, gave him the address, and followed him to the embassy.  Our problem was solved (along with the $160 passport fee).  Hey, have you ever been lost?  I mean really lost?  You felt desperate, didn’t you?  But isn’t it better to follow someone who knows where they are going?  Hey, I’ve never been to heaven, but I do know Who has.  And Jesus can get me there safe and sound.  Thomas, one of the Lord’s disciples, was like me and didn’t know the way either.  John 14:5&6, “Thomas saith unto him, Lord, we know not whither thou goest; and how can we know the way? Jesus saith unto him, I am the way, the truth, and the life: no man cometh unto the Father, but by me.”  If you follow Jesus you can rest assured, you will make it to heaven.  Jesus knows the way because He IS the Way!

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