Sunday, June 9, 2024

Ambitious Terrapin


Friday, I was early to pick up my wife from dialysis.  Nothing unusual, because I am always early to pick her up.  I would rather wait on her than have her waiting on me.  When Kathy rolls out, she is SO over dialysis!  While waiting, I usually play my entire repertoire of songs on my ukelele.  So, Friday while I was playing, I saw movement in the grass beside the dialysis clinic.  I put down my uke and walked over about fifty feet to find a large terrapin (a water turtle).  As I approached, it pulled inside as far as it could.  I stood there for a moment and considered what the turtle was attempting to do.  This turtle had left the safety of the sediment pond behind the dialysis center, crawled up the embankment, and set out across a five-acre field.  How brave!  It had no idea what lay ahead, or even if it would find a new pond to live in.  But it set out anyway!  I don’t know what motivated the turtle to migrate, whether it was looking for a mate, or a bigger pond, or to escape a bullying turtle, but it was on the move.  This turtle couldn’t know of the road that it would have to cross.  It knew nothing of the factory and parking lot that was ahead.  But this adventurous turtle forged ahead anyway!  What a lesson for me!  David said in Psalm 31:23&24, “… for the LORD preserveth the faithful, and plentifully rewardeth the proud doer. Be of good courage, and he shall strengthen your heart, all ye that hope in the LORD.”  Hey, don’t be afraid to trust the Lord.  Be adventurous; be ambitious … for God!  He will never let you down!

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