Wednesday, June 5, 2024

Own It


We went to McAlister’s for supper last afternoon.  My wife ordered and I began to order my usual baked potato when the server stopped me mid-sentence.  She said, “I’m sorry, we don’t have any baked potatoes right now.”  I looked shocked and began to scan the menu on the wall for my second choice.  As usual, I tried to make a joke about it.  I said, “Well, I think that the manager should be fired.”  Now the server looked shocked.  I quickly added, “Just kidding.  But I can’t believe that you don’t have any baked potatoes.”  Then a second girl behind the server spoke up, “It’s my fault.  I didn’t put the potatoes into the oven.”  Then it was my turn to look surprised.  I couldn’t believe that the girl would be so honest!  She owned the error and admitted so, right out loud!  I was at a loss for words … something that never happens … or at least never heretofore.  Usually, folk blame someone else for the mistake (someone who is not present to defend themselves).  But this young lady admitted her mistake and was taking responsibility for the consequences.  How refreshing!  Solomon said in Proverbs 22:29, “Seest thou a man diligent in his business? he shall stand before kings; he shall not stand before mean men.”  Good for you, girl!  You are on your way up!  So, let me give you some advice for today: speak the truth; say it like it is; own up to your mistakes and move on with your day!  Because it’s going to be a great day for you!  Yes, it is!

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