Monday, June 24, 2024



The word “dominion” is very interesting.  I think of a king when I hear the word dominion, because a king has dominion over his realm.  A good king keeps wickedness under control and assures that good people thrive under his dominion.  God is the King of the universe, but in Genesis, God gives dominion to man to rule over the earth.  Mankind is not given the animals and the earth’s resources to plunder, but man is given the responsibility to rule carefully over God’s creation in God’s stead.  The apostle Paul warns us that death has dominion over our bodies because of the power (dominion) of sin.  But praise the Lord, someday, dominion will be restored to the proper King of kings in the end times.  The little one-chapter book of Jude gives proper praise to the King of glory and says in verse 25, “To the only wise God our Savior, be glory and majesty, dominion and power, both now and ever. Amen.”  Well said, Jude, well said!  Hey, are you giving the King of the universe His proper place in your life today?  Think about it.

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