Monday, January 14, 2019


Please don’t judge me. Don’t get preachy with me and tell me why what I did was so stupid and crazy, because you might have done the same thing if you were in my circumstances. OK, two summers ago, I was conducting a Bible school for Brother Larry Foster in Cartersville, GA. Sunday night went fine, but on the way home, I noticed that my headlights were dim. One had burned out. Not surprising, because I drive a 1990 Ford Aerostar van. So, Monday, I went to the auto parts store to buy another. But I had to go to three different parts stores to find one. So, when I finally found one, I bought the last two. Thinking ahead, I replaced both headlights since the one that was still working was just as old as the one that had burned out. So, coming back from Cartersville that night, I felt confident. But now I know that those headlights must have been sitting on the parts store shelf for several years. After all, no one but me has a 1990 Ford Aerostar van. I was on the interstate when one headlight flashed and burned out. Not a good thing. Then moments later, the other one flashed and burned out. I slowed and pulled over. I didn’t know what to do. I was fifty miles from home and all the parts stores were closed. AAA doesn’t install headlights - especially 1990 headlights. I could have slept in the van, but I could be at home in an hour. So, I pulled back onto the highway and fell in behind a semi. I got fairly close without being dangerous and began following him home. I had my story ready for the cop who would pull me over, but none ever did. I followed that semi all the way to Ringgold, and I made it home. I got three headlights the next day; one for a spare. Hey, are you following the right leader to find your way home? Do you know where you will spend eternity? You can’t do it alone; it’s too dark out there. You need Jesus Christ to take you safely to your final destination. Trust Him; He will see you through.

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