Sunday, January 27, 2019


Do you remember where you were when the Twin Towers in New York city were burned down?  I do.  I remember working at home and my dear wife calling me from school telling me that I needed to turn on the television.  Actually, I remember where I was when President John F. Kennedy was shot.  I was coming home from high school and my mother met me and my brother at the front door of our home with the news.  I remember the somber cloud grief that hung over our home that evening at supper time.  Can you imagine the doubt and fear that the disciples felt the afternoon that Jesus died?  Jesus had been their powerful leader and close friend for three years.  Then, suddenly, he was arrested, hauled into court, rushed through a mock trial, condemned to death and crucified, all in a matter of twelve hours or so.  I’m sure that they were crushed.  They cowered behind locked doors fearing that they would be next.  But then came Easter Sunday morning!  The ladies went to pack the burial shroud of Jesus with embalming spices early Sunday morning, but came running back with the unbelievable news that Jesus body wasn’t there!  Then Mary Magdalene affirmed that Jesus was alive!  She had actually spoken to Him!  Peter and John visited the tomb and confirmed that the tomb was empty.  The grave shroud was there right where it should have been, but Jesus was not there!  But then that evening, with all of the disciples in the upper room (except Thomas) Jesus Himself appeared to them!  He was alive!  Hey, Jesus IS alive!  And now, I remember where I was the day that I trusted the risen Jesus Christ as my personal Savior.  I was in the basement of Maple View Baptist Church when I was gloriously born again!  Have you been born into God’s forever family?  Message me right now and I can tell you how you can.  And today will be a day for you to remember!

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