Sunday, July 4, 2021

Fancy Name

After swimming all afternoon, my two granddaughters drove home and walked in the door starving.  “What’s for supper?” they asked.  Their mom said, “How about a Panini?”  “Ooo, sounds fancy!” the girls cooed.  They dried off, changed clothes, and sat down at the kitchen table.  Rebekah served up their Panini sandwiches.  The girls looked down at their plates with disappointment.  Mary Kate said, “This is just a smashed ham and cheese sandwich!”  Sophie said, “Yeah, this is nothing special!”  It turned out that a “Panini” was an ordinary ham and cheese sandwich, just pressed flat with grill lines on it.  Hey, there’s a life lesson in that story.  You may be called a “Christian” but when someone sees your life, are they disappointed with the “Christian” that they see?  Are you a poor example of a follower of Jesus Christ?  The story is told of a lazy soldier who was named “Alexander” just like his general “Alexander the Great”.  The general called the lazy soldier into his tent and gave him a stern warning.  “Is your name Alexander?”  The man meekly replied, “Yes, sir”.  The general said, “Either change your name or change your ways!”  Hey, are you a good example of a Christian, or are you just a fake who goes by the name, Christian?  May I suggest, “Change your name or change your ways.”  Don’t disappoint someone who is needing the testimony of a real Christian.  Or worse yet, don’t disappoint the One for Whom you are named.


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