In 1961 I was in the seventh grade ... you know, that age when you want people to treat you like an adult, but you still play with Hot Wheel cars. I had a tiny seven transistor radio with an earphone (now called an ear bud). The radio was so small that it didn’t have a speaker; it depended on the earphone for sound output. It had a tan leather carry case, and I was excited to have the radio. I listened to the Baltimore Orioles baseball games late at night. My parents sent us all to bed at nine o’clock, but they let me listen to my radio if I was quiet and in my bed. I would listen to the West coast double-headers often falling asleep with my radio on. Which was a bummer, because I would wake up in the morning with a dead battery. I spent most of my 35¢ allowance on nine-volt batteries. One day, the tiny wire to my earphone frayed and I couldn’t get it to work. My radio had no sound. In tears, I brought it to my dad, but he couldn’t fix it - the wire was just too tiny. My dad said, “If you’ll cry a little more, it might work.” I did, and it did! I’m not sure who was more surprised when my radio started working, me or my dad! Hey, there are times when we have tears too many to recall. Our lives are filled with sorrow. But some day, that will all be changed! John said in in Revelation 21:4, “And God shall wipe away all tears from their eyes; and there shall be no more death, neither sorrow, nor crying, neither shall there be any more pain: for the former things are passed away.” What a day of rejoicing that will be! No more crying because God Himself will wipe away our tears. Praise the name of the Lord!
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