Tuesday, January 31, 2023



Last night I had the strangest dream.  My dreams are usually a hodgepodge of events from the day before that are all mixed together.  So, in my dream, I was the manager at a convenience store/gas station along the interstate.  For some reason, no one was using credit cards at the gas pump, they were using cash.  And they were cranky because they had to bring in their cash, go pump the gas, and then come back in for their change.  And I only had a group of kids (8 & 10 year-olds) working for me!  And these kids were little hooligans with their three dogs with them!  I was so frustrated with my incompetent staff, the dogs running around, and the grumbling customers.  But everything worked out!  Customers would go to the restrooms, and they would brighten up as they petted the dogs, who were friendly and cute.  Then the little kids would plead with the customers to buy things.  The customers thought that the kids were cute and would buy anything that the kids suggested.  The people came in grumpy but left happy with armfuls of stuff.  And I was doing nothing but making all of this money in gas and snacks and fast food.  Hey, how often in life do our plans go awry?  We fuss and worry, but usually, things work out.  God has a way of patching together our problems and making His plan come to pass.  Paul said in Romans 8:28, “And we know that all things work together for good to them that love God, to them who are the called according to his purpose.”  Today, take the problems and challenges that you are given and let the dear Lord use them to accomplish His purposes.  God is there behind the scenes, if you look for Him.  Hey, let God put your day together.  He’s got this!

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