Sunday, July 14, 2024

A Bargain ... or Not


When is a bargain not a bargain?  Do you want the short version or the long version?  OK, so I’ll give you the long version.  I was in Tractor Supply complaining to the manager (Billy) about my ailing 10-year-old riding mower.  He said, “I have a mower that you need!”  I replied, “But I can’t afford your mowers.”  To which he replied, “Oh, yes you can!”  So, he walked me to the garden center explaining along the way.  Billy said, “I have a brand-new 42 inch mower that has been sitting on the lot since spring.  It has bad gas and a dead battery.  It lists for $2,199, but I’ll let you have it for $850.”  I said, “Will you take $800?”  He said, “No, but I’ll meet you half-way.”  I immediately shook his hand and said, “Deal!”  I backed my truck up to the gate, gave Billy $825 (plus tax), and loaded up my mower.  When I got home, I hooked my charger to the battery, drained the old gas, filled the tank with new gas, and got a can of starter fluid.  I squirted the starter fluid into the carburetor throat, and the motor started right up … but then quit.  After using the entire can of ether, I realized that the carburetor was clogged.  Then I had misgivings about my bargain mower.  Hey, it’s not a bargain if it won’t run.  I took the carburetor apart, but the tiny internal tubes were clogged with gummy varnish.  Two of my neighbors had seen me working on my ‘new’ mower.  Oh, well.  So much for my reputation.  Two days later, after my new Amazon carburetor arrived, my mower was purring like a new mower (actually, it was).  I mowed the front yard, intentionally waving to the same two neighbors.  Everyone loves a bargain, but often, we are disappointed with our perceived deal.  Hey, Jesus is the real bargain of your lifetime!  And He will never disappoint you!  Proverbs 3:7, “Be not wise in thine own eyes: fear the LORD, and depart from evil.”

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