Friday, July 5, 2024

At Chick fil-A


My wife and I have a Wednesday night ritual: we leave for church an hour early and stop by Chick fil-A to eat supper.  I use my points and she doesn’t have to cook, so it’s a win, win situation.  We usually eat in the car, but last Wednesday, her friend was eating with us, so we went inside.  We sat at a middle table, so I pulled a chair out to accommodate Kathy’s wheelchair.  I slid the unused chair over against the middle wall where the customers line up.  A few minutes later, a cute little family with four kids came in and walked up to the counter.  Everyone stepped around the chair except the little two-year-old boy.  He walked right up to the chair (which was in his way), climbed up onto the chair and off the other side continuing to the counter as if nothing out of the ordinary had happened.  I chuckled at his directness … or stubbornness, whichever one you chose to call it.  He is the one in that family with the vinegar in him.  He will be a leader when he grows up.  Even at the age of two, I can already tell that nothing is going to stop this kid.  He just needs a little shaping and molding.  Proverbs 22:6, “Train up a child in the way he should go: and when he is old, he will not depart from it.”

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