Thursday, July 18, 2024

Ask an Expert


If I have a pain in my shoulder, I don’t ask my neighbor to help me; I go to a doctor.  If I have a strange noise under the hood of my car, I don’t ask a carpenter friend: I go to a mechanic.  If you have a spiritual problem, don’t ask just anyone what to do; go to church and hear from an expert.  Get advice from someone who knows the Lord personally.  Don’t take a survey; don’t ask your friends at the bar; don’t get opinions from a brother-in-law who read a book by Ophra; go to the source of truth: read the Bible.  Proverbs 12:15, “The way of a fool is right in his own eyes: but he that hearkeneth unto counsel is wise.”  Great advice!  So, according to this verse … if you do things your own way, you are a ___ but if you listen to counsel, you are ___.  Oh, yes, you are!

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