Sunday, May 26, 2024

Coffee Refill


I am not a coffee snob, but I do like my coffee.  On cold mornings (or all day long on cold days), nothing warms the body like a hot cup of coffee.  I usually put several creamers in the coffee that I buy out because it is too strong.  At the risk of being called a wimp, I do not like strong coffee.  My sister likes the double-shot expresso, but I would like a half shot expresso, if there were such a thing.  My wife and I like to buy Dunkin’ Donuts ground coffee to make at home.  And in order to get a better price, I buy the big 30 oz. plastic container.  It costs about $20, but I can get it on sale, and then I have enough to last until the next sale.  But the big container is too big to leave on our counter.  So I have a smaller 12 oz. bag that I refill.  Reminds me of the Lord’s goodness.  He gives to us and we give it out to others.  But unlike my big plastic container, God’s goodness never runs out!  Paul said in II Corinthians 1:4&5, “Blessed be God, even the Father of our Lord Jesus Christ, the Father of mercies, and the God of all comfort; Who comforteth us in all our tribulation, that we may be able to comfort them which are in any trouble, by the comfort wherewith we ourselves are comforted of God.”  We comfort others.  And when we become exhausted and are in need of comfort ourselves, God gives of His boundless stores and comforts us.  But unlike my plastic container, the dear Lord NEVER runs out of comfort!  God’s grace is endless!  Yes, it is!

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