Sunday, May 19, 2024

Pick up the Tab


I have a dear friend who insists on picking up the bill every time that we eat out.  I try to speak to the waitress privately and have her give me the bill on the sly.  Or I pretend to go to the bathroom and then pay the cashier up front.  But when I do, Brother Ron is furious.  He wants to pay the bill because he is a dear friend, and he wants to meet my needs.  Hey, that’s exactly how Jesus Christ is with our salvation.  He has paid our sin-debt in full, and it is an insult to Jesus if we ever try to pay for our salvation.  That’s because Jesus has picked up the entire bill.  He has paid our sin debt in full.  Paul explained it in Ephesians2:8 & 9, “For by grace are ye saved through faith; and that not of yourselves: it is the gift of God: Not of works, lest any man should boast.”  We can’t pay for any of our sins.  Not a single one because Jesus has already paid for all of them in full!  We just need to thank Jesus for His payment and rest in His goodness.

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