Wednesday, May 29, 2024

Sudoku Lessons


Life lessons from Sudoku puzzles.  Note: if you don’t do Sudoku puzzles or don’t know anything about Sudoku puzzles, none of this will make sense.  Don’t bother to read it.  Just go take a nap or count flowers on the wallpaper.  But if you know Sudoku, keep reading.  This is for you.  Look at your problem from every possible angle before you make a decision.  If a solution isn’t clearly seen, work on a different problem.  Your time is better spent working on the second problem than obsessing over the first problem.  And the solution of the second problem may lead to the solution of the first problem.  When problems get really hard, set them aside and come back to them later.  Fresh eyes may lead to a fresh solution.  Never give up.  Every problem has a solution, no matter how elusive it may be.  Always check your work.  If you make a mistake early on but you keep going, every move that you make after the mistake will only lead to compounded mistakes.  Catch mistakes early to save wasted time.  Go back to where you made the original mistake and start over.  Don’t be too proud to look in the back of the book to find your errors.  And when you complete a puzzle, don’t get too smug … there are always more puzzles, and each one is harder than the one that you just finished!  Now, make your own application.

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