Thursday, May 16, 2024

Master Builder ... of Men


I like to build things.  In 2015, I built a staircase for John H.  I had to be careful and measure twice before I cut a $53 board.  I like to do my best.  I’m not bragging, I am making a point.  Bear with me.  I measure each tread to the nearest ½° angle.  I like to use Liquid Nail instead of wood glue because it fills voids under the tread better.  I position the nails so that they go into the darker line in the wood so the nail head will not show.  I set the nails below the surface with a punch to make room for wood putty.  I use wood filler instead of caulking on the painted risers and skirt boards because caulking shrinks and leaves tiny divots in the finish.  I paint the skirt, balusters, shoe molding, and risers before installation to keep paint off of the natural finish treads.  I fill and paint the nail holes after the installation.  I measure floor to floor to ensure that each step is exactly the same height.  Most homeowners never know the details that I keep in mind, but I know.  They just know that they like the stairs when I am finished.  Hey, God is the same way with the care that He uses when He is building a man.  God works on my life every day with the precision and care of a wise Master Builder.  He knows what He is up to and how each detail will contribute to the final completed project: a living soul.  Paul said it best in Ephesians 2:10, “For we are his workmanship, created in Christ Jesus unto good works …”  And God is working on you to make a masterpiece.  Each event in your life - good or bad - works to build your life.  Hey, are you working with God or against God?  You make that decision each day.  Think about it.

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