Wednesday, May 15, 2024

Declining Vision


I remember in college singing the old hymns in chapel service.  I didn’t need to open up my hymnal to sing because my eyes were so good that I could follow the words of the song from the open hymnal held by a student in the row in front of me!  But now, I need glasses for reading.  My eyes are getting older, and I have lost that great vision that I used to have.  But before you laugh at me, let me remind you that you’re getting older too!  That’s the way it is in life.  As time goes on, we get older and we lose our physical vision.  But all too often we lose our spiritual vision as well.  We used to see well, but we don’t anymore.  And we used to be close to God, but we aren’t any more.  Hey, we need to get that spiritual vision back.  We can get our physical vision back (somewhat) by getting glasses or contacts, and we can get our spiritual vision back by getting back into reading God’s Word, the Bible.  Solomon said it in Proverbs 29:18, “Where there is no vision, the people perish…”  Hey, make a commitment to get your spiritual vision back, and start right now!  Get back into reading your Bible and get back into that prayer closet!  And get back to church this Sunday.  I’ll even save you a seat.

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