Friday, May 10, 2024

God Is at Work


In 2018, the retail store that my son worked at was bought out by a bigger retailer.  The new owners restructured their management staff, and my son lost his job.  He was devastated.  After going through a couple of other jobs, my son was offered a position at his church, which was a perfect fit.  He was right where the Lord wanted him to be.  God knew what He was doing when John was let go of one job because God had a better job waiting for him.  And then, two years later, that retail store (Cabella’s) that had been bought out by the bigger retail store, was closed and padlocked.  Further proof that God knew what He was doing.  My son would have been out of a job anyway.  But now he works at Calvary Chapel.  King David got it right when he said of the Lord in Psalm 139:5 “Thou hast beset me behind and before, and laid thine hand upon me.”  The good Lord goes before us, and He goes behind us - He absolutely takes care of His children.  How comforting.

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