Friday, May 17, 2024

Check Engine Light


I had an old 1990 Ford van that had a “Check Engine” light that came on.  My mechanic said it was the PCV valve and the van could run just fine without the $100 part.  But the little “Check Engine” light bothered my wife.  So, I put a tiny piece of black vinyl tape over the “Check Engine” light so Kathy and I were both happy.  But then I began to think, what if something else goes wrong with my engine, and the light is covered up with tape?  I paid the mechanic the $100, replaced the PCV valve, and pulled the tape off of the dashboard.  You know, those little warning lights are there for a reason.  And I had better pay attention when the “Check Engine” light comes on.  Hey, that’s the way it is with your life.  The blessed Holy Spirit is your spiritual “Check Engine” light.  The Holy Spirit and your conscience let you know when something is wrong.  You can ignore them if you want to, but ignore at your peril.  Jesus said in John 14:26, “But the Comforter, which is the Holy Ghost, whom the Father will send in my name, he shall teach you all things, and bring all things to your remembrance, whatsoever I have said unto you.”  God loves you too much to let you ignore truth.  God will remind you what you should be doing.  The Holy Spirit, your “Check Engine” light, will keep you on the right path … that is IF you listen.

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