Wednesday, May 22, 2024

Old Age


Getting old has advantages.  Fellow customers at Lowe’s offer to help me load boards into my truck.  No one expects me to help move heavy stuff at church.  My children instruct my grandchildren to “help Granddaddy.”  At family picnics, I am only asked to bring myself.  That being said, many other aspects of getting old stink.  After doing minimal work around the house, I have aches and pains in muscles that I never knew that I had.  Normal activities take days to recover from.  And I just can’t seem to sleep at night.  Oh, I have no problem falling asleep; I just have trouble staying asleep.  I wrap up in a toasty blanket and fall fast asleep. But I wake up two hours later hot and sweaty.  Last night I got up and went to the bathroom and laid down on top of the blanket.  The cool topside of the blanket felt so refreshing.  I went fast asleep in moments.  But then my bony knees rubbing on each other woke me up again.  So I stuffed a small pillow between my knees, felt relieved, and fell back to sleep once again … but only to wake up five minutes later with leg cramps because the pillow had pinched off the blood flow to my legs.  I rolled upright with my legs on the side of the bed to restore circulation.  But then I was wide awake.  I prayed to the dear Lord for relief in my pitiful situation.  But as I was rubbing my legs, the good Lord remined me of the many good things that I had: I had a blanket to get me hot, I had air conditioning to get me cool, I had a pillow for my bony knees, and I still had legs even if they did hurt!  Hey, even with my old age problems, God is still a good good Father!  Yes, He is!

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