Tuesday, May 28, 2024

Rainy Monday


Monday morning, I woke up early to the crash of thunder and the heavy patter of rain on the roof.  Mondays are hard enough, but rain makes it even harder to crawl out of bed and hit that cold linoleum floor with bare feet.  It was only 3 am, but I needed to see what was going on outside.  So I crept into the kitchen and turned on the back porch light.  The deck umbrella had blown away (I found the pieces of it in the front yard later in the morning).  I should have closed it, I mused.  Rain was falling in buckets and twigs were blown off the trees by gusts of wind.  I went back to bed, if only for a few minutes.  I got up at 4 am and posted on facebook.  I brushed my teeth and took all of my vitamins and supplements.  Kathy struggled to awaken while I prepared her dialysis bag.  We left home a little late, but for a Monday morning with rain, the dialysis center was glad that we showed up at all.  Small limbs were everywhere as I drove cautiously through our subdivision and onto the main road.  But flashing blue police lights around the bend slowed me to a stop.  A tree was down blocking the road.  I turned around and considered an alternate route.  Bridge construction on Poplar Springs Road ruined my plan B.  I pulled out my phone, clicked on Google, and confidently said, “North Georgia Kidney Center from here.”  And moments later, Google had a route picked out for me.  The Google algorithm knew the best way because it had all of the possible choices figured into the equation.  Hey, God is even better than Google!  God knows every decision that we make, every move that we make, every day of our lives … all 8 billion of us!  And the good Lord works His perfect will to bring the best moves for all of us in each of our lives.  David said it best in Psalm 37:23, “The steps of a good man are ordered by the LORD: and he delighteth in his way.”  My steps are ordered by the Lord, even on a rainy Monday morning!  Hey, let the dear Lord lead you today!  After all, His way is much better than Google!

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