Thursday, May 23, 2024

Paper Cut


Have you ever gotten a “paper cut”?  They really hurt!  It’s hard to believe a little sheet of paper 3 thousandths of an inch thick can do such damage.  Well, a while back, I was typing at my computer, but I was distracted by a tiny piece of bacon stuck between my teeth.  I should have stopped typing and gotten some dental floss, but the ideas were flowing and didn’t want the interruption.  I tried to work it free with my tongue, but it wouldn’t budge.  I tried to suck it free with air, but that little piece of bacon was stubborn.  So, I picked up a piece of paper lying on my desk.  It was junk mail from an insurance company trying to get my business.  So, I used it to get that annoying piece of bacon free.  After two tries, the bacon popped out, but I got a paper cut on my gum.  I wonder if the paper cut would be covered by the insurance agent’s business insurance.  After all, it was kind of his fault.  Kind of ...  That funny story reminds me that it is easy to blame other people for my mistakes.  I Peter 3:9, “Not rendering evil for evil, or railing for railing: but contrariwise blessing; knowing that ye are thereunto called, that ye should inherit a blessing.”  Hey, the paper cut isn’t the fault of the paper (or the company that sent it to me): the paper cut was my careless move!  Next time I’ll think first.  Well, maybe …

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