Saturday, May 25, 2024

Master Club


Last Wednesday evening, we had our Master Club awards for the elementary kids at church.  Those little guys were so cute!  Each clubber said three Bible verses that they had memorized (some had a little more help than others).  Even the quiet kids were bold and said their verses!  What a blessing!  One verse that was quoted was Psalm 119:105, “Thy word is a lamp unto my feet, and a light unto my path.”  What a great concept to get into the heads of children who are just beginning their lives!  If they follow God’s Word for the rest of their days, the dear Lord will direct their steps.  Yes, He will!  And of course, Master Club is named after the Master, Jesus Christ Himself.  And what a great term, Master.  It’s so easy for us to be independent and to do the Christian life all on our own.  But the key is to make Jesus Christ the Lord (the Master) of our lives.  Hey, is Jesus just a great teacher to you?  Is He just a good example for you to follow?  Or is He your Boss?  Is Jesus Christ your Master?  Think about it.

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