Friday, June 28, 2024



My wife likes to shop at Aldi’s.  I do not.  They have great prices, but I miss my name brand items and they don’t have plastic bags to put our stuff in.  As we were shopping, I collected five empty boxes and put them under the shopping cart to put our items in at checkout.  But I was late for a doctor’s appointment, and we were in a hurry.  At the self-checkout, I tried to pack our purchases quickly and carefully, but quickly was more important.  So, I ran out of boxes.  My wife said, “Gerald, just buy one of Aldi’s paper bags.  They’re only 12¢.”  She was right, so we got home with an Aldi’s paper bag.  And as I was emptying the bag, I got nostalgic.  When I taught Junior high school years ago, the first day of school’s assignment for the next day was to bring in paper grocery bags the next day to cover our schoolbooks.  Being OCD, I showed the students exactly how to do it.  And being OCD, I’ll show you exactly how to do it.  Hey, I’m in good company, because the apostle Paul was OCD too!  Paul said in I Corinthians 11:1, “Be ye followers of me, even as I also am of Christ.”  Paul didn’t just tell the people in Corinth how to be a Christian, he showed them how to be a Christian.  Can I make a bold application?  If a new Christian wants to learn how to be a Saint of God, can they follow your example?  Like my finished book cover looks sharp, will their new life in Christ look sharp if they follow your example?  Think about it.

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