Sunday, June 30, 2024

The Gym


Some people go to the gym to work out and some people go to the gym just to go to the gym.  They like to be seen with their little sweat bands and head bands, and their matching shorts and tee shirts.  They have their cute little gym bag with their Nalgene water bottle with the sipper spout.  They go to the gym, but they hang out at the smoothie bar and talk.  Oh, they may take a selfie with an exercise machine in the background, but they never break a sweat.  Hey, there are folk who go to church just like our friends who go to the gym.  Some go to church to worship God, but many go to church just to be at church.  They like to hang around with the good people.  They like to dress up and look good so that they can tell everyone at work on Monday that they went to church on Sunday.  But church never makes a difference in their lives.  They never break a spiritual sweat.  That’s because they are professors and not possessors.  They know about Jesus Christ, but they don’t know Jesus Christ.  And when things get tough, they can’t make it because they are spiritually flabby.  The apostle James warns in James 1:22, “But be ye doers of the word, and not hearers only, deceiving your own selves.”  Hey, get honest with God.  But more importantly, get honest with yourself.  Are you an authentic Christian?  Then act like it!  Or are you just a pretend Christian?  You need to get honest and trust Jesus.  Get real ... really!

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