Wednesday, June 19, 2024

Happy Father's Day


My son, John, his dear wife, Laura, and my grandson, Greyson, came over Sunday night and grilled pork chops.  When I got home from church Sunday evening, about 7:30 pm, I had a great Father’s Day meal!  Laura said, “Greyson is trying to make some money for a new X-Box game system.  He picked up pinecones for you in the back yard.”  I replied, “Great!  I usually pay him and Bennett $2 for a five-gallon bucket.”  But when I went outside to pay Greyson, he refused.  He said, “I didn’t have a gift for you, so I picked up pinecones for you for Father’s Day.  Happy Father’s Day, Granddaddy!”  What a great idea, Greyson.  I’m not sure if you thought of it yourself, or had help with the idea, but it was a good gesture anyway.  Thank you very much, Greyson, for such an original gift!  Proverbs 17:6, “Children's children are the crown of old men; and the glory of children are their fathers.”

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