Saturday, June 22, 2024

Signs of the Times


Coming out of Walmart Friday afternoon reminded me of the signs of the times.  The checkout lines and self-service kiosks are on the left of the exit doors, so the nearest door on the left was labeled “Exit”.  And when coming in, because customers are exiting Walmart on the right (their left coming out), the door coming in (on their left) was labeled “Entrance”.  But going to the left is counterintuitive.  We drive on the right, and we just naturally move to the right.  So, when approaching another shopper, we just naturally go to the right of them.  Naturally.  So, back to the signs of the times part: Friday, I noticed that Walmart had taken down the exit and entrance signs above the doors, outside and inside.  The two doors are simply unlabeled.  Customers can use the door that they prefer … left or right.  So, Friday, I walked out of the nearest door (on the left) and bumped into two people coming in the same door (on their right).  This reminded me of the uncontrolled days when the judges ruled Israel.  Judges 17:6, “In those days there was no king in Israel, but every man did that which was right in his own eyes.”  Hey, without authority, there is anarchy.  Folk do what they think is good for them, which may or may not be for the good of the other person.  I’m glad that the Lord God is a rock that we can depend upon.  God said in Malachai 3:6, “For I am the LORD, I change not …”

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