Tuesday, June 25, 2024



When I was about seven years old and my brother, Phillip, was about five years old, we were riding in the car with our parents.  Suddenly, a police car blew by us, lights flashing and sirens blaring.  My little brother said confidently, “That policeman is going to murder someone.”  My mother corrected him saying, “The policeman may have to shoot someone, but he isn’t going to murder them.”  Then, with my infinite wisdom, I spoke up and said, “Don’t say what you don’t know what is.”  My dad opened his mouth to correct me but thought for a moment.  Then he shrugged, closed his mouth, and dropped what he was going to say.  What I had said made sense … well, sort of.  Hey, the words of little children may not always be accurate.  They speak from their limited understanding.  But the good Lord always has the right things to say.  In Psalm 12:6 we find, “The words of the LORD are pure words: as silver tried in a furnace of earth, purified seven times.”  Hey, you can trust the words that God speaks.  They are true.  Why not take a few minutes and read some of His words right now.  Then read them every day!  Daily Bible reading is a good habit to get into.

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