Tuesday, October 8, 2024



Last week, I was ripping several boards that were just a little bit too wide.  My table saw made short work of them.  I had several strips that were scrap, but they were too long to fit into the trash can.  So, I broke the first one up into several one-foot pieces, which, in my opinion, took too long.  So, the next one, I broke in half, stacked the two halves, and broke the stack in half.  But when I stacked the two half halves (a new phrase that I just made up), I couldn’t break the stack.  I was just past my limit.  My stack of four thin pieces that together, couldn’t be broken reminded me of Ecclesiastes 4:9&12, “Two are better than one; because they have a good reward for their labour. And if one prevail against him, two shall withstand him; and a threefold cord is not quickly broken.”  Hey, it’s not good to be alone.  You need a friend, or you need a wife (which is actually the same for me).  When one gets discouraged, the other can be an encouragement.  You can get more done if you cooperate.  And if you add the dear Lord into the mix (a “three-fold cord”), you are unstoppable.  That’s because with God, “all things are possible!”

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