Monday, August 19, 2024



We moved to Tennessee in the winter of 1972, and in July, we went blackberry picking.  A big mistake.  Kathy and I both were attacked by chiggers living in the blackberry patch.  The sweetness of the blackberry cobbler was ruined by days of itching and scratching.  When the Lord made blackberry bushes, I am sure that they were thornless because God made everything perfect.  But, as a result of the Fall of mankind in Genesis 3, blackberry thorns were among the most diabolical things that were the result of the Curse that the Lord put upon the world.  Blackberry thorns are razor-sharp and pointed backwards: you can get your arm into the bush to pick the luscious berries, but you get snagged pulling your arm back out.  And long-sleeved shirts offer no protection because the stickers go right through the fabric.  Hey, isn’t that true in life?  Isn’t it much easier to get into a problem than to get out of a problem?  Wouldn’t it be much easier to think before you say the wrong thing?  I Peter 3:10, “For he that will love life, and see good days, let him refrain his tongue from evil, and his lips that they speak no guile.”  So, today, try not to get into trouble so that you won’t have to get out of trouble.  Guard your tongue … before you speak … and have a good life!

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