Sunday, August 11, 2024



I got up this morning and took a shower to get clean for church.  But I forgot to turn on the bathroom fan before I got in the shower, and when I stepped out of the shower, steam had filled the bathroom.  I dried off, opened the door, and began to use the door as a giant fan to get the vapor out so that I could see a little.  Within moments, the steam had cleared, and I could continue to get ready for church.  But then I paused.  I thought of James 4:14, “… For what is your life? It is even a vapour, that appeareth for a little time, and then vanisheth away.”  How true!  It seems like only yesterday that I was in high school.  But that was sixty years ago!  Hey, don’t laugh at me.  You’ll turn around once or twice and your life will be over … your life here on earth, that is.  But you will live forever somewhere.  The question is, where will that somewhere be?  Think about eternity before your brief life is over.  That vapor lasts for such a very short time.  Really.

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