Wednesday, August 14, 2024

Burned Out Light Bulbs


When I go to cardiac rehab at six in the morning, it is dark.  And as I walk from the parking lot to the doorway, I need every light that is available.  I step up onto one curb, walk down twenty steps, and step down another curb.  And with each obstacle is the opportunity to misstep and fall.  And good lighting helps.  The lighting design at Memorial hospital was thoughtful and careful … that is if the light bulbs are kept working.  But over the last ten months, the light bulbs near the doorway have burned out one at a time until there are only two left working.  When the maintenance men get to work, it is daylight, and they don’t see any problem.  And when I see the problem at 5:45 am, no one is available to tell.  And when the maintenance staff are on the job, I am long gone with lighting at Memorial hospital long forgotten.  That is until the next dark morning.  Hey, the Lord wants his people to be his light in a dark world.  Matthew 5:16, “Let your light so shine before men, that they may see your good works, and glorify your Father which is in heaven.”  Hey, is your light shining brightly?  Or is your light becoming dimmer and dimmer with each passing day?  Today is the day to replace those burned-out bulbs.  Get back to being the dear Lord’s light in a dark world!

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