Wednesday, August 21, 2024

Cold Feet


My feet are always cold.  They don’t bother me, but they do keep me awake at night.  So, to counter my cold feet, I have a heating pad to keep them warm.  But over time, the heating pad would get stinky, so I slid it under the fitted sheet on my bed.  Problem solved.  Well, not so fast.  The heating pad has a fuzzy cover with knap that causes it to move just a bit each time it is pressed down.  And over the course of a week, the heating pad creeps off over the end of the bed doing my feet no good.  So last week, I had a brilliant idea: flip the heating pad over.  Problem solved.  Well, not so fast.  Now the heating pad creeps up the bed.  And over the course of a week, the heating pad is up under my knees.  So I had to put a folded blanket over my blanket to help my deserted feet.  Only the blanket has a fuzzy surface and now it creeps up.  But there is a bright side to my story: my knees are toasty at night.  Whether the heating pad is creeping up or creeping down, I am grateful that the good Lord never changes.  God said in Malachi 3:6, “For I am the LORD, I change not …”  And you can count on that!

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