Wednesday, August 7, 2024



Occasionally, my wife likes to order Walmart pick-up online.  I don’t like it because with all of the choices (and poor eyesight) it’s easy to get confused and click on the wrong item.  So, last week, I picked up my wife’s order at Walmart, and the employee said, “We had two substitutions.  Is that OK with you?”  Of course, I had no idea what my wife had ordered, so the substitutions were OK with me.  But when I got home, and unpacked the order, they had substituted the Basil that she had ordered for a potted plant of Basil!  Really?!  Did they think that we had the time to raise our own Basil?!  Hey, Satan makes substitutions too!  He substitutes lasting joy and eternal life for fake pleasures that last for only a few moments.  Satan trades lasting satisfaction for cheap thrills that fade almost immediately.  Don’t fall for Satan’s lies!  Proverbs 5:21, “For the ways of man are before the eyes of the LORD, and he pondereth all his goings.”  Your life is lived as an open book before the Lord.  May the dear Lord be pleased with your life today, is my prayer.

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